Incomplete Women records

Not all of the records on this website are complete - help us by finding out more about the women listed below.

1897 -13 February 1919

Jane McClymont was born in Kilmelford, Argyllshire, the daughter of Thomas S McClymont, coachman, and Jane S McClymont, nee Pringle. She nurse withe the Voluntary Aid Detachment during World War I. She died of influenza at the Edinburgh War Hospital, in 1919. Her home address at the time was in Dunblane.

13 Nov 1922 - 1 April 2010
c.1805 - 22 April 1887 (died aged 82)

Malvina Wells was born a slave in the West Indies. Her mother was a slave, and her father was a planter, John Wells.

She is listed at no. 124 on a list of slaves on the Grand Bay Estate, Carriacou, in 1817 - Malvina, mulatto (i.e. she had a white father) Creole, supposed age 13, no distinguishing marks.

She came to Scotland as a domestic servant to Mrs Joanna Macrae of Edinburgh some time before 1851.

In the 1851 census, Malvina Wells, aged 48, lady's maid, was living at 33 Great King’s Street, Edinburgh, in the MacRae household.

She died in Edinburgh on 22 April 1887.

23 November 1805 - 14 May 1881