Incomplete Women records

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Born 178, died 1869

Mary Ritchie was the daughter of a Dundee shoemaker of 22 Barrack Street. After her father died, she used her inheritance to open a drapery business with a partner, Jean Easson. The business was extremely successful and Ritchie retired, a rich woman, in 1827. She then sued her partner, who nevertheless carried on the business for a further ten years. Ritchie went to Leamington Spa to live, where she met and married R Alcock, a wood merchant. The marriage was not a success. Mary Alcock returned to Dundee and sued her husband.


In the 16th and 17th centuries, women who were suspected of being witches were thrown into Witch Lake, a tidal pool on the coast at St Andrews. If they drowned they were innocent. If they floated it was evidence of their involvement in witchcraft and they would be dragged out of the water and taken to be burnt at the stake on nearby Witch Hill.